How web-development works

To create a web page you basically needs three components:

(1) Markup Language :

Markup language is used to create structure of web page. some commonly used markup languages are: BBC, HTML, SGML, and XML. You can think of markup languages just like bricks and cement used to create structure but the structure does not have any functional features in itself. This term "functional-features" bring us to our next components.

(2) CSS:

CSS abbreviated as cascading style sheet. The name itself suggests it's features. It is used for styling your wrb page. The color of your website, the font, the position and size of elements are defined by CSS. CSS is analogous to whitewash and plaster done in your house to make it attractive and beautiful.

(3) Programming language:

Now your house have a structure and it is also looking beautiful but what if it does not have electricity connections, water connections. Programming languages do all these kind of functions. Different elctric buttons have different appliances connected to it. on pressing one button your light turn on and on pressing other , different aplliances work. Just like it you have google search button which shows you different results on click , and this is all possible with the logic we provide through Programming langauges.